Hey Hey!
Welcome to my Website
This is something I'll be tinkering off and on towards. Just as a cool place for me to share what I want with the world and have it in one place
Recently I did some searching and Found a Template for a neat Layout (that just so happened to be Mobile Friendly!) that I spent the better part of a day setting up how I wanted it, and this being the end result of that! :]
I'm pretty proud of what I have set up here from that, and that's one major step to getting my website set up for all the crazy ambitious things I want to use this for. But that's for another day, for now, feel free to peruse what you can. This is a work in progress site after all, so there's always something new to look forward to! >:]
I'm slowly figuring out what to do, but bear with me because I still have little to no clue what I'm doing. :v